The Allotment Wife


The Escaped Asparagus!

Goodness, but the asparagus is now in full flood and there was loads for Sunday lunch today:

Asparagus 1

Not only that, but it’s decided the bed isn’t big enough for its needs and is now sprouting on the pathway too!

Asparagus 2

The autumn raspberries now have a nice ground cover so it’s getting trickier to do the weeding between them. We’ll keep weeding them for as long as possible though as it saves so much time later in the season.

Autumn raspberries

The lilies are growing very well:


And I’ve planted another couple of rows of gladioli bulbs:


Here is today’s harvest of the asparagus and just a few tulips:


And here is the vase at home:


Have a good Sunday, everyone, and stay safe.

Anne Brooke Books


Another Little Harvest

Spring is ambling along nicely at the allotment and there are more tulips to collect, though not as many as last week:


Definitely no narcissi this week, but that’s not too surprising in April. The rhubarb is also coming along:


And there is a little more asparagus to pick too (which has the shadow of our sweet pea climbing frame across it):


So, today’s harvest is tulips, asparagus and rhubarb:


We had the asparagus for Sunday lunch, and I added the rhubarb into the apple crumble I made for dessert – and very nice it is too! We do so love the smell of fresh rhubarb – the perfect hint of summer.

Here are the vases at home:

Vases 1

Vases 2

I really love the striped tulips in this selection, especially the ones with a raspberry ripple effect. Sadly though I don’t know what they are as they came in a mixed sack. But if I saw them again, I’d definitely get them!

Have a great Sunday, everyone – and stay safe.

Anne Brooke Books


The Spring Spurt

First of all, a very happy Easter to you all, especially in these tricky times. But, goodness me, lots of activity on the allotment today. First of all, we have our first asparagus, hurrah!


And the rhubarb is now big enough to harvest, well gosh. It’s a bit late to add it into my Sunday crumble, but I’ve found a recipe for rhubarb puree/juice which you can add to gin, ice cream etc. Hmm, gin – brilliant for lockdown, I’m sure!


The lilies are also growing well and so I’ve now sprayed them against the dreaded lily beetle:


But look at these tulips!


Today we took along some of our sweet peas and have put them against the shed (with mulch) and also at the end of the potato bed. We’ve watered them in and put down slug pellets as usual:

Sweetpeas 1

Sweetpeas 2

As for the gladioli – start planting in May, they say – they’ll be fine before then. Um, well, I don’t think our gladioli bulbs from last year had that memo as they’re already sprouting in their bucket in the shed!

Gladioli 1

So I’ve planted them out into 4 rows of those with the longest shoots and will try to keep to succession planting (so they bloom at different times) by adding a couple of rows each week or so until last year’s bulbs are used up. We’d usually try to get some new ones as well, but of course we’re not sure if we’re going to be able to do that this year.

Gladioli 2

Here is the harvest of daffodils, tulips, asparagus and rhubarb (hurrah!):


And here are the flowers in all their glory at home:

Vases 1

Vase 2

Vase 3

Have a good week, everyone, and stay safe.

Anne Brooke Books


Planting potatoes

Lovely sunny morning at the allotment today. I sorted out the weeding while K planted the potatoes – which are the last of the ones we have.


I’m pleased to say the rhubarb is continuing to flourish:


And the autumn raspberries are starting to sprout for real:

Autumn raspberries

The tulips continue to make a lovely display, and there are also more to come which is great:


Here is today’s harvest of tulips and a scattering of daffodils:


And here are the vases at home:

Vases 1

Vases 2

Have a blessed Palm Sunday, everyone.

Anne Brooke Books