The Allotment Wife

Christmas Sprouts

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Just a quick trip to the allotment today to do some weeding of the beds and to collect sprouts. Here is the allotment looking rather bleak, which is natural for the time of year of course.

The daffodil shoots are coming along nicely:

As indeed is one of the rhubarbs in the older rhubarb bed:

Here is a partial picture of the sprout bed:

And here are the sprouts we have liberated for our Christmas lunch!

Have a lovely Christmas, everyone!

Anne Brooke

Author: annebrooke

Anne Brooke lives in Surrey, UK, and writes in a variety of genres, including gay erotic romance, fantasy, comedy, thrillers, biblical fiction and the occasional chicklit novel. When not writing, she spends time in the garden attempting to differentiate between flowers and weeds, and in the allotment attempting to grow vegetables. She also loves the theatre and is a keen fan of crosswords and sudokus, as long as they're not too hard! Her websites can be found at:,, and (for fantasy fiction).

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