The Allotment Wife

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Small can be beautiful

A quick hoe round the allotment this morning, plus I sprayed the lilies and put slug pellets down (no organic gardening here – well, I am a farmer’s daughter after all!…) while K  planted up some more beetroot:


We’re growing rather fond of beetroot – so wonderful that you can eat all the plant and nothing’s wasted, hurrah. So we picked a couple of the older beetroots and also some of the lovely geums, and the smaller alliums:


I did think the smaller alliums (as in my earlier post) were a mistake, but I thought I’d try floating them in one of our ramekins (look how posh we are – we have ramekins! – not bad for an Essex Gal, eh …) and actually it really works.


I’ve put the geums in with some of our chive flowers from the garden and they look pretty good too.

Geums and chives

Here they both are together, to give you a sense of perspective:

Geums, chives and alliums

In other flower news on the allotment, the lilies and sweet williams look like they’re going to bloom fairly soon so I’m looking forward to that. And we are letting the rest of the asparagus go to seed to give it a chance to get sorted for next year – so our asparagus season is now over, but we’ve thoroughly enjoyed the crop. Also, I think that with a bit of luck and if the wind is in the right direction, we might get a second flush of rhubarb too.

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