The Allotment Wife

Lilies Galore and Early Dahlias


Jolly hot on the allotment today, and tremendously dry and dusty too. Honestly, in some of the raised beds, it’s so dry I can’t even use the hoe … K will visit again later tonight to do some proper watering. Anyway, the lilies have now reached their peak and are looking fabulous.


The sweet peas are also looking good.

Sweet peas

The dahlia flowers are also out very early this year (they usually start in July, though of course it’s nearly that now) which I imagine is entirely due to the current heatwave.


And the first of our sunflower seeds has sprouted, hurrah


We left the asparagus to make its usual post-harvest forest last week, and it’s well on the way there now …

Asparagus forest

The French climbing beans are finally in flower, though there isn’t much leaf to them – possibly because of the weather? I gather other allotmenteers are having trouble with their runner beans, though we’ve not grown those this year (too many strings).

French climbing beans

However, the mangetouts are producing enough crops to feed the five thousand and some!

And the courgettes are looking very promising indeed.


Here is the harvest of mangetouts (so many!) and flowers.


And here are the flowers at home.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone.

Anne Brooke Books

Author: annebrooke

Anne Brooke lives in Surrey, UK, and writes in a variety of genres, including gay erotic romance, fantasy, comedy, thrillers, biblical fiction and the occasional chicklit novel. When not writing, she spends time in the garden attempting to differentiate between flowers and weeds, and in the allotment attempting to grow vegetables. She also loves the theatre and is a keen fan of crosswords and sudokus, as long as they're not too hard! Her websites can be found at:,, and (for fantasy fiction).

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